This Kung Fu uniform is constructed from 100% cotton for a comfortable fit. The uniform has traditional frog buttons going across the jacket. Frog buttons are also featured on the rollback, cuffs, and collar. Knot cord-type buttons/frog buttons are available in white or black to match or accentuate your Kung Fu uniform. Featured is an elastic waist and elastic ankles to fit comfortably to maintain a nice fit without being too tight.Kung Fu is a term to describe this martial art as of Chinese origin. Southern styles of kung-fu were comprised of low stances, kicks, and strong hand techniques. This was so because the population that practiced southern-style kung-fu was shorter and stockier than the Northern (Mandarin) population. On the other hand, Northern style Kung-Fu is comprised of more difficult and stylish patterns with acrobatic legwork. This was so because it was presumed to be much colder in the North therefore much hand movement was restricted by the thicker robes that were worn and the terrain enforced the development of stronger legs.